Bird Dog E-Mail Blasts

Hanover_House_(Clemson)This quick tip is a simple concept to take into action. Let me illustrate… last year, we got a lead into the office. We went and looked. The lot was big and the house was a scraper, so we thought it was a good wholesale for a builder who could split the lot. We were about to make an offer when the seller let us know that another offer was on the table, and this offer was for the exact amount he wanted. Even though we thought it was too much. So, long story short, we bowed out of the race and reset our sights.

Not a week or two later, I get an E-mail blast from a company I did not know, which was an E-mail blast to sell this exact property we looked at. Albeit, for $5,000 more than what was paid.

Here’s the nugget: don’t just slap together a blast e-mail to drum up business. If you’ve got a property under contract. Call and talk to someone and give the transaction a personal touch. Here is another thing: some people like to do dirty business. Imagine if someone in that blast sent a copy of the e-mail to the seller and blew up that deal. It would create a shit storm. Like I said, call potential buyers and talk to them. It will cover your ass and make them feel at ease.


Author: Dan

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