Real Dealz 04: Dissecting My Own Real Estate Investing Business – Part 2 – My Marketing Machine

In Episode 4 Tucker starts with real estate trends he is currently seeing in his local market.  In “The Deal of the Week” he talks about his most important deal and how it changed his entire business and made him more profitable.  He then moves on to the main topic which is the second part of “Dissecting My Own Real Estate Investing Business” where he goes into further detail about his “Marketing Machine”.  In another “Direct Mails Greatest Hits” he shares a voicemail blaming house flippers for the nations problems.  Finally, in the “Golden Nugget of the Week”, Tucker shares a great tip to help you with your REI business!   We hope you enjoy this episode and please leave us comments and reviews!


Episode 4 Segment Notes:

  • Local Market Recap: Marketing report and increased competition
  • Deal of the Week: The deal that got us into new home construction
  • Main Topic: Dissecting our Marketing Machine
  • Direct Mails Greatest Hits: A caller blames House Flippers for the nations economic problems.
  • Golden Nugget: Direct Mail Marketing to B rated fringe neighborhoods
  • Success Quote: By Albert Einstein
  • Music: Artist: Jamie Foxx Track: Winner


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Thank you for listening to our Podcast and please give us a review on iTunes and feel free to leave a comment below.  Additionally, if you have any questions or would like Tucker to cover a specific Topic, please let us know and we can cover it in a future episode!  Thanks again!


Author: Tucker

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    • Tucker

      Thank you for the kind words Justin!

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