Technology, Business & House Flipping – See How I Organize My Business!

In the middle ofimages last year, a Real Dealz Podcast listener wrote to ask: What software do you use in your business? I hadn’t thought to address this question before, but I thought it was a great question. So, I answered this question in the podcast. Let’s take another look now, and ask what software do I use in my business?

Some of the software from this list might seem obvious, and I will be brief, but I would like to also be exhaustive. So, first and foremost, Excel. We use Excel all day, every day. We use it as a database tool to track our mailing lists, organize our mailing lists and control our huge source of mailings. Essentially, it is a Direct Mail Marketing go-to for anyone that is doing REI the correct way.

There is also Zoho, which is a CRM software. This is used to track our contacts, as well as keep a big picture perspective on our Direct Mail Marketing campaigns. Microsoft Outlook is used to manage appointments. We also use Microsoft Word.

The biggest piece of software, though, is QuickBooks. QuickBooks changes everything. Why? It is how I control the money, and cash flow is the life blood of my business. I want to emphasize that it is very important to know how much cash you have on hand and QuickBooks, if used properly, can track expenses and income perfectly. By doing my own books, this puts me in a position to know exactly where I’m at and to be in complete control. If you’re not tracking your income, you are taking too many risks. You are flying blind and your business is a mess.

So, quick lesson: get with it! Organize your business!


Author: Dan

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