Real Dealz 06: How to Execute A Driving For Dollars Campaign

In Episode 6 Tucker starts with his current outlook on direct marketing response rates and pending home sales in his local area.  In “The Deal of the Week” he reflects on a great real estate deal that came in through an every door direct mail campaign and how the homeowner was willing to give up equity for a fast and convenient transaction.  He then moves on to the main topic which is “How to Execute A Driving For Dollars Campaign” where he goes into detail about how to locate an ideal neighborhood, how to compile and organize the list and then what type of mail campaigns you should run for the list.  In our most popular segment, “Direct Mails Greatest Hits” Tucker plays an older voice mail from a person that called about the bandit signs that Tucker used to put up in years past.  Tucker provides another great bit of information in this weeks “Golden Nugget” where he tells you what to do with returned mail and how its pure gold!   Finally, Tucker ends with a Success Quote from the great entertainer, Bill Cosby.  We hope you enjoy this episode and please leave us comments and reviews!

Episode 6 Segment Notes:

  • Local Market Recap: Direct Marketing Response Rates and Pending Home Sales
  • Deal of the Week: Every Door Direct Mail Campaign Deal
  • Main Topic: How To Execute A Driving For Dollars Campaign
  • Direct Mails Greatest Hits: A caller responds to Tuckers bandit signs
  • Golden Nugget: What to do with returned mail and why its pure gold
  • Success Quote: By Bill Cosby
  • Music: Artist: T.I.  Tracks: “Whatever You like” (Instrumental) and “What you know”




















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Thank you for listening to our Podcast and please give us a review on iTunes and feel free to leave a comment below.  Additionally, if you have any questions or would like Tucker to cover a specific Topic, please let us know and we can cover it in a future episode!  Thanks again!





Author: Tucker

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  1. Can you add a link to the search tool to locate the owners, that you talked about on the Golden Nugget section?
    Thank you!

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    • Tucker


      I have included the link above to TLO, its the service we use. Thanks and let me know if that’s what you were looking for.

      Thanks for listening!


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  2. Im interested in seeing how you set up your excel spreadsheet for organizing your leads…..Possible??

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    • Tucker

      Just keep it simple. Use a column (A,B,C etc) for each bit of information, name, address etc and having one lead per row (1,2,3 etc) so you are able to properly filter etc.
      There’s really no secret to the excel portion, simple is best.

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  3. Tucker-

    Enjoying the podcasts, especially the greatest hits.
    Would you mind sharing the direct mail piece you use for the every door campaign? I’m in Eugene and I’ve been thinking about adding that to my campaigns.


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  4. Tucker,
    I’m planning on doing a driving for dollars campaign in the next few days. I’ve always been a little hesitant on doing it for two reasons…..
    One, seems like a lot of the vacant, rundown houses would be owned by banks??
    Two, the houses are in crappy areas of town??

    But after hearing your interview with your friend I think he mentioned his best leads are from driving for dollars.
    If you had to guess, how many of your deals in the last yr or two were from driving for dollars?

    Reason I’m implementing driving for dollars is I don’t have the budget yet to mail absentee owner or free and clear lists. I’ve put up bandit signs but the response in the past few months hasn’t been worth my time or money to put them out. Direct mail is going to take me to the promise land!!
    Doing some research and I’d say 95% or more of investors in my area are buying off MLS or at auction. So using direct mail should be fruitful!
    Thanks man for all you do to help other investors!


    Davenport, Iowa

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    • Tucker

      We close more deals off of our DFD lists than any other lists we pull. So a large percentage of closed deals are from our DFD lists.
      Let us know how it goes!

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      • But do you have issues with finding a lot of bank owned houses or owners in foreclosure when doing your DFD’s campaigns?

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        • Tucker

          There will be a few, but generally we see a very small amount. Its certainly not something that should prevent you from doing DFD campaigns. Keep in mind you don’t always have to do DFD in the bad areas of town. We do most of our DFD campaigns in A+ to C- areas because that’s where we make the largest margins.

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  5. Hey Tucker – great podcast! Was wondering – when signing up for TLO what industry did you put in the info section? Seems like they are stringent on who they let use the service – is that just a front?

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    • Would it be Financial Services?

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      • Tucker

        You may be able to use that, we used “Property Management”.

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  6. Do you use and app or service to scrub your list to determine whether to mail to them or not? Something to determine equity, value, underlying rate, etc.

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    • Tucker

      We use a list service through our Title company. We tell them what we’re looking for and they filter accordingly in the list software that they use.
      If you use a list provider software, you will be able to filter accordingly with these type filters etc.

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